Charles Anderson is one of Verity Corp's top brokers and a major player in their marketing department. One of his responsibilities is to present investors with the opportunity to underwrite Verity's bleeding edge technology in exchange for profit sharing when the tech is released to the public.

Anderson began working for Verity Corp in 2001 after his friend, Hugo Jascowitz recommended him. Anderson would become the head of marketing, exclusively involved in Verity's legitimate front end while Jascowitz played a more clandestine role in Verity's Truth Squad. When Jascowitz suddenly disappeared, Anderson was devastated and begin to investigate the dark corners of Verity. It was around this same time that he was approached by the Lantern Society who preyed on his suspicion and emphasized what concerns they had in common. It was then that Anderson began siphoning confidential material from Verity's data warehouse and passing it onto the Society.

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